
We’re Beth & Desiree -- two friends who’s paths serendipitously crossed, searching for our own healing from severe and debilitating chronic illnesses. While our journeys are uniquely our own, we now believe the very core of healing lies in the deep process of forgetting who we were taught to be and the remembering of who we always were.
You might be wondering about our backgrounds, who we are, and what we do. In our day jobs we are a therapist and business owner, respectively. But, what illness has taught us is that our work is not who we are. And we are not our diagnoses. This is part of the unlearning. Looking below the labels, the society-sanctioned identities, searching for True Self essence is where you'll find us--learning to befriend our unique sparks of life where the innate inner-healer resides.
We learned this the hard way, losing our labels from illness one-by-one-by-one until we were forced to search for what was left. The used-to-be vegan runners, over-achievers, type-A'ers found their bodies in various levels of disability across the years. Capacity changed. Jobs were lost. Lives were turned upside down. Relationships strained under the weight of it all. But, this is not a story just of loss, but of the greatest gains we never knew we would be granted.
Our friendship is a testimony to the healing power of relationship. After meeting several years ago at a gathering for those impacted by Lyme disease and autoimmune conditions, we forged a connection that has exponentially produced healing in ways we couldn't have imagined. We stopped focusing on swapping details of protocols and treatments, and began sharing our most intimate and guarded stories, hurts, and truths--along with our visions of our full, 100% healing. There, we found a balm for our weary hearts that had endured years of illness.
It was (and still is!) in our frequent talks where we commune with the sacred, which we now know as unconditional love and grace. These are truly flimsy words for such transformational forces. Together, we mirror back to each other all that we are learning--deep in our bones--about healing from the inside out. We coach each other to continually allow the old to fall away, and to hold ourselves in deep compassion when we cling, cry, and resist. Healing requires individual courage. And, it also demands vulnerable connection.
We are not exceptional. We are just like you. We are two fellow journeyers committed to the belief that 100% healing is our birthright. We know that dis-ease is for us, and not against us. Despite all the pain, loss, and fear--we wouldn't change a thing, because the spiritual and emotional gifts have been far too great. We have traversed this challenging path with purpose, and now we want to share that mission with you--our community--to spread love and grace as a guide to healing. Allow us to create a space for you to nestle up with these stories of hope. For, it is in sharing our stories with one another that we have healed many layers of our own. And, together, perhaps, the gift of chronic illness can transform us all.